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May 29, 2018

Tuas Maritime Hub TIA

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore is developing the Tuas Terminal to consolidate container terminal activities. In addition to this, there are a number of other potential developments on and around the terminal area. Within the Tuas Maritime Hub there will be a number of land uses, with the largest being a consolidated container port serving a total of 65 million TEUs upon completion. Vertix have been contracted to conduct a traffic impact assessment for the new port facility. The TIA will include:

  • Extensive data collection, including traffic counts, origin/destination data, and stated & revealed preference surveys to determine existing and future mode choice
  • Strategic Model, including a full four-stage model using PTV VISUM
  • Microsimulation Model using PTV VISSIM to understand localised impacts of the new traffic patterns. The VISSIM model is used to identify pinch points and develop a holistic and comprehensive approach to junction design